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May Newsletter
The end of the scouting year brings us together to celebrate experience and have fun.

April Newsletter
Who's ready to go camping? Pack your bags and grab your rockets! We're headed to Reveille Peak Ranch next weekend. The April Newsletter...

March Newsletter
3, 2, 1... Blast off! This month, we're preparing for our last campout by building rockets! Read all about it, below. The March...

February Newsletter
They grow up so fast... This month, we honor our 5th graders as they cross over into Scouts BSA. Read all about it, below. The February...

January Newsletter
It's Derby Time! We're gearing up for the Pinewood Derby. Read all about it, below. The January Newsletter includes info about: Pinewood...

December Newsletter
It's beginning to look a lot like... still fall actually. The December Pack Meeting will feature astronomy in Brentwood Park. Read all...

November Newsletter
Happy Fall, everyone! The November Pack Meeting is all about Fearful Symmetry, in art, nature and crafts. This was a lot of fun! Read...

October Newsletter
Happy Fall, everyone! It's not sweater weather yet, but the 100s are behind us! Cool weather and events coming soon. Read all about it,...

September Newsletter
Cooler weather? Not so fast! It's still summer in Austin. Lots of fun stuff happening in Pack 49! Please read the newsletter to find out...

August Newsletter
Welcome Back! The summer sure went by fast! We're gearing up for another great year of Cub Scouting. Please read the newsletter to find...
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